Saturday, August 25, 2007

NY Houses #10 (for) Friday August 24th, 2007

And another home, also from the Stone Ridge area. I need to get out & take more house photos! I haven't had much chance lately, though.

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NY Houses #9 (for) Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

Here is another home in the Stone Ridge area.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

NY Houses #8 Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

Look at this home! Isn't is gorgeous? It also looks large. . . boy I sure wish I knew what the insides of some look like! But, since I don't know these people either, I will have to imagine;)

What do you think? It would be kind of funny to me to find something of mine was in someone's blog. . . but how would you take it? Some people do not like it. They find it to be an invasion of privacy. I don't think I would mind so much. . .

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NY Houses #7 (for) Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

Here is another home. I like this home. I believe this one is in Stone Ridge too, but I can't remember for sure! :O

It looks like a pretty big home too. I can't wait until we have a (our own:) home some day!

With so many kids, we really need a 4-5 bdrm home, but with the cost of rent, there is no way we can rent one around here:( We would be willing to help out with property care, etc if someone had that kind of situation & would be willing to offer a lower rent for upcare, or other help. I had seen a sign, for a 5bdrm home for rent, but for $1400. Which I am sure, it is worth it, but what do you do when you really need a bigger home & can't afford it? Someday, right? :)

I am working to help better our situation. I am a student. Attending school, hopefully when I am done, I will be able to find something to help us get our own place.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

NY Houses #6 Monday, August 20th, 2007

What about this home? It is a bit "covered" from the sites of viewers from the road. Do you like your home to be this way, or do you not mind people viewing your home & maybe taking a photo (like me? LOL) This home is also in the Stone Ridge area.

Honestly, even though I love to share my world through photos with you all, I am actually pretty private "in person". I am shy & withdrawn & I would prefer a "secluded" home. . . Although if someone was taking a photo of my home I probably would not care. People always talk to me about my big truck when I am out with it. . . It helped me to open up somewhat. . . as well as working with the animals . . I get lots of calls & deal with lots of different people. . . :}

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NY Houses #5 (for) Sunday, August 19th, 2007

Here is a bit smaller house. Nice all the same. It "kinda" looks like the house is facing back out - with that being the back door;) We can only guess what the other side looks like, since I don't know who it is that lives there;) I will get a better photo though, ASAP, & replace this one with it. This home is also in Stone Ridge.

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NY Houses #4 (for) Saturday, August 18th, 2007

Well, I am sorry I didn't post houses over the weekend, but with Ozzfest, I just updated my POD blog, really! So, I will try & get ya'll caught up now.

So, for this time, I have a big house for ya. (You can tell it is a rather large house just looking at the photo). This house is down the street from the blue one. It is also in Stone Ridge. Sorry, the photo is not good & not very elaborate;)

View my other blogs for other updates, as well as, my POD blog, Nature blog, kids' blog, etc;)

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Friday, August 17, 2007

NY Houses #3 Friday, August 17th, 2007

This house today is one in Stone Ridge, that is used by the college (Ulster County Community College - I graduated from there in May 2007). I am not sure exactly for what, or who stays there, but I have seen the Campus Security vehicle there many times.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

NY Houses #2 Thursday, August 16th, 2007

Today, I am bringing you a rather unusual house! I LOVE it! I sure would like to know what the inside looks like. . . but since I don't, I guess I will have to imagine it. This house is located in Stone Ridge, NY. It's beautiful. There are many beautiful houses around.

Enjoy the photos! :)

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

NY Houses #1 August 15, 2007

I decided I would like to do a NY houses photo blog. Of course, they aren't MY houses, lol. They belong to other people.

But there are many houses & stuff of all kinds here in NY. Some would probably surprise some people.

I don't know yet if it will be a POD or not, but I am going to try. I am usually out & about & could get many house photos in a day.

So, here is my very first NY House post:

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Photo isn't great, but I will try & get a better one soon.

This photo is The Inn at Stone Ridge. It's beautiful. We have a lot of stone houses around. "This beautiful and historic mansion was started as a private home in the middle of the 18th century, and then expanded to be the largest vacation home in the area during the latter part of the 19th century by the Hasbrouck family." (from website).

Stone Ridge, has many beautiful stone homes. As well as other areas around us, such as Hurley.