Wednesday, August 22, 2007

NY Houses #7 (for) Tuesday, August 21st, 2007

Here is another home. I like this home. I believe this one is in Stone Ridge too, but I can't remember for sure! :O

It looks like a pretty big home too. I can't wait until we have a (our own:) home some day!

With so many kids, we really need a 4-5 bdrm home, but with the cost of rent, there is no way we can rent one around here:( We would be willing to help out with property care, etc if someone had that kind of situation & would be willing to offer a lower rent for upcare, or other help. I had seen a sign, for a 5bdrm home for rent, but for $1400. Which I am sure, it is worth it, but what do you do when you really need a bigger home & can't afford it? Someday, right? :)

I am working to help better our situation. I am a student. Attending school, hopefully when I am done, I will be able to find something to help us get our own place.

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