Monday, August 20, 2007

NY Houses #6 Monday, August 20th, 2007

What about this home? It is a bit "covered" from the sites of viewers from the road. Do you like your home to be this way, or do you not mind people viewing your home & maybe taking a photo (like me? LOL) This home is also in the Stone Ridge area.

Honestly, even though I love to share my world through photos with you all, I am actually pretty private "in person". I am shy & withdrawn & I would prefer a "secluded" home. . . Although if someone was taking a photo of my home I probably would not care. People always talk to me about my big truck when I am out with it. . . It helped me to open up somewhat. . . as well as working with the animals . . I get lots of calls & deal with lots of different people. . . :}

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